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How do you get someone to love you when he don't

The importance of love

Love is considered one of the most human emotions are important and complex, where the Happily of the human person and the feel of happiness and satisfaction, contrary to the popular perception that the love comes suddenly, it can be considered the behavior and skill of the person can say its development and preservation by learning some personal skills and practice, but it should be remembered that swap the feelings of love between two people is a personal decision no one can feel, although it must be respected this decision, and will talk in this article about how to make someone love you and he doesn't like you, and tips for those looking for love.

How do you get someone to love you when he don't?

It's normal to get a person to love all people, everyone has a unique personality differ in the preferences and things, but can follow some steps to try to change someone to love and improve the relationship with him, and what are some of them:

Checking a person's true feelings.

It is important that a person is clear about his feelings and expressed to the other party frankly, and if there are some of the other person which means not to love recommended for those perceptions in an objective manner, and far from feelings, or commission a third party if possible to get to those positions from the point of view of neutrality, and considered the hearing a conflict between the two that is where the discussion about the way to handle, and positions the case between the parties to understand the actions of each party, the advantage clearly expressed the feelings of the other party is the best way to make sure the true feelings despite being step you need courage, And the other party to the dialogue, and in the case indicate that the counterparty does not want to He opens his heart or exchanges feelings in any way he prefers to understand his decision, respect his opinion and not press him.

Reconsider the reasons for the lack of love.

Help dialogue between the parties to understand the perspective of the other party and the reasons for the lack of his love, and to cope with it is advised to re-consider those reasons and analysis, and try to solve it by apologizing for mistakes honestly, and modify the behavior if possible, and clarify the full intention to improve the situation and evaluate what it takes to make the relationship a success.

Being generous.

Can change a person's view of others around him by offering them gifts and making memories with them, it can also be the ball with real estate and style a Modern also; when the individual mentioned surrounded the features of the person they love in front of others, it leaves a trace in his heart, and makes him think in the swap love with him.

Taking care of the other side.

Studies have shown that the development of the listening skill has a significant role in the occurrence of a person's right, people love to show attention to their water, and don't be the talk of person-centered is just the same, but says the involvement of the counterparty to a talk and give him time to express his opinion, not to change the topic of conversation rapidly; in order to be able to express himself, and to have a dialogue interactive by posing questions and responses that indicate attention to the talking and enjoy her, as advised to the report of the smaller things that the person says it as it is, it increases the chance of an interview to love.

Maintain visual contact.

The difficulty in maintaining eye contact as a result of shyness sometimes, however, a psychological study from Harvard University has shown that couples in love who maintain eye contact between them by 75% during the talk, so it is advisable to resist looking away when you talk maybe a counterparty say a trade the feeling of love.

Keep the smile.

Have proven scientific study that smile show the person in a way appealing more to others, and encourages them to stay around him, [4] they also give a sense that the person deserves trust, can abuse it, and make the other party think about exchanging feelings with him to enter into a long-term relationship.

Advice for those who seek love. be patient.

Where advised not to use the other party's pressure on him to get his love, it may be a reason to use it more, where the needs of individuals for a period of time to change their minds about people to give them their feelings and opening up with them.

Focus on self-development

Where a person is considered as confident of himself and who possesses ambitions and dreams seeks to improve them even more attractive in the eyes of others, not least the importance of health care of external appearance and focus on self-development and personal, it is advised to exercise, eat healthy, and follow a routine of personal hygiene, wear nice clothes and clean, it is important to not be motivated to do all that is pleasing to the other party only stir his admiration, where would prefer to be taking care of themselves and their development stems from the satisfaction and self-love, As attention can be focused towards skills and hobbies that are preferred by the person and try to get the achievements in them where talk about what he loves a person with passion is attractive to others.

Have manners.

Think the best way to practice high morality is to begin to treat others the way that person likes to fight it, can't wait for good treatment of others without direct dealing with the best of them, applies to that feelings of Love also; Person must be a lover even sold his the other party the same feeling, and not waiting to love someone without doing effort for it.

Talk about personal experiences.

To make a person return soon and are interested more can talk to him about personal experiences and points of pressure tonight, been planning it; where you can get the appreciation and understanding without having to put masks of perfect in front of him, Thus says the party's turn to express his feelings explicitly with time.

Prepare to receive love.

It is important to be a person interested in making someone else likes it ready to receive love through a focus on the relationship and give it a priority, and try to disengage or interact with other people and be separated from his relationship to the current and any previous experiences, and to be ready to commit in a relationship for a long time, all of these things encourage the person to think seriously about swapping the love
