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The lowest 10 temperatures ever recorded in history

Before climate change and global warming which has led to rising temperatures on the planet, where the world was experiencing temperatures more low than the current time and especially Antarctica, Alaska, Greenland and some regions of Russia, which reaches temperatures hard to cope with, which we'll explore in this article:

10- Rogers bass, Montana, United States of America

Rogers Pass is a mountain pass has a height of 1710 ft (5610 m) above sea level and is located on the Continental Divide in Montana, USA. The corridor is located next to the Helena National Forest and runs through the Montana Highway. Rogers bass is famous for measuring the lowest temperature recorded in the neighbouring United States. It saw a temperature of 57-Celsius (70-Fahrenheit) on January 20, 1954.

9- Prospect Creek, Alaska, United States of America

Prospect Creek is a small settlement very located 55 km (34 Mi) north-central Alaska and 290 km (180 miles) north of Fairbanks and 40 km (25 Mi) south-east of the Beatles, Alaska. It is the coldest area in the USA, where the record on January 23, 1971 the lowest temperature in its history, which reached 62.1 - sales (79.78 - F).

8- SanAg, Yukon, Canada


Soot is a ghost town in Yukon, Canada, near the Alaska Highway, south of Beaver Creek, in the valley of the White River. It was founded during the Klondike Gold Fever, although there is an indigenous village nearby about 8 km (5 miles). The population was approximately 10. On February 3, 1947, recorded the village is one of the lowest temperatures in North America, which reached 62.8 - sales (81.04 - F). Another town 180 km (112 miles) northeast of soot, I missed Selkirk, claimed that the temperature in which reached less than 65 - C (85 - F), but not confirmed officially.

7- Ismita, Greenland


Eismitte, in English also called Mid-Ice, was the site for an expedition in the North Pole in the interior of Greenland that took place in the period from July 1930 to August 1931, and received the life of the world famous German Alfred Wegener. The name” Eismitte " means the center of ice in German. The camp site was located 402 kilometres (250 miles) from the coast at an estimated altitude of 3,010 metres (9,875 feet). The coldest temperatures recorded during this trip is exploratory 64.8 - sales (84.64 - F) on March 20, 1931, while the temperature was the warmest observed was 1.8 - Celsius (28.76 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 9, 1931.

6- North East, Greenland


North ace was a research station of the British North Greenland mission (1952 to 1954) on the inland ice of Greenland. The station was at an altitude of 2341 m (7680 ft) above sea level. He was leading the British North Greenland trip. Where recorded the lowest temperature ever in North America, and 66.1 - sales (87 - F) on January 9, 1954.

5 - persons, Russia


Persons is a town in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, located on the Guadiana River near the Arctic Circle, 92 km (57 miles) of the stage, the administrative centre of the county, and 675 km (419 Mi) north of Yakutsk, the capital of the Republic. Its population in 2010 was 1311. The city is primarily temperature winter low is exceptional and the greatest differences of temperatures on the Earth, where the difference between summer and winter to 105 degrees Celsius. So that the lowest temperature recorded there, in February 1892, was 67.6 - Sils are (89.7 ° F), recorded on 5 and 7 February. On 25 July 1988, the city recorded a temperature of 37.3 Celsius (99.1 Fahrenheit).

4- Oimiakun, Russia


Omyakon is a city in the Russian federal entity of Yakutia. Located 350 kilometers from the Arctic Circle and the treatment of its geographical location and Climate Law with the nature of the terrain where they are located on the valley rises about 2000 metres above sea level which exacerbates the cooler air. And Oymyakon, the coldest inhabited region in the world inhabited by about 500 people in the census in 2012, the population of the cooler severe weather as the temperature reached in the twenties to 71.2 - Celsus (96.16 - F), but not recorded officially, the lowest temperature recorded officially was 67.7 - sales (89.86 - F), on 6 February 1933, and that the coldest temperature officially registered in the northern hemisphere.”Oymyakon” in the after photo, means “the river that never freezes”, it doesn't freeze there even when you reach the outside temperature to sixty degrees below zero. Because the Earth in this region is renewed to a large extent within the Earth's crust to a depth of 1500 meters, thus increasing its size and determined, which causes a rush of water from the depths to the surface.

3- Amundsen Scott Station, Antarctica


Station south pole and Scott's station, the scientific research belonging to the United States in Antarctica, the southernmost on the ground. The station is situated on the Antarctic Plateau Associated at a height of 2835 m (9301 feet) above sea level, managed by the Department of sectoral programmes within the National Science Foundation affiliate program United States Antarctic (USAP). Because the station is located in the southern sector, they are in the only place manned on the surface of the earth that show where the sun continuously for six months and then remain dark continuously for the next six months. Ranging from temperatures recorded by the station between 12.3 - Celsius (9.9 degrees Fahrenheit) and 82.8 ° C (117 - F), an annual average of 49 - sales (56 - F).

2- Plato Station, Antarctica

Plato station is an American Research Base on the central Antarctic Plateau. The site was launched on December 13, 1965, and the first research team arrived in early 1966. Was the base under continuous use until January 29, 1969, when it was closed down but has been off for future use, which is the most remote and the most cooler than any American station on the continent. It was also the site of the world's coldest average temperature for a month at the time, recorded in July 1968, which was 73.2 - Celsius (99.8 F). But on July 20, 1968, was recorded the lowest temperature there, which reached 86.2 - sales (123.1 - F).

1- Vostok Station, Antarctica


Vostok Station is a Russian research station located in Antarctica. It was founded by the Soviet Union in 1957, the station at the southern pole of cold, with the lowest normal temperature was measured directly on the ground which is 89.2 ° C (128.6 F). Research includes ice core samples and magnetic measurement research. It was named after Vostok, the main vessel on the first Russian Antarctic expedition, led by captain Fabian von bellingshasen.

On August 10, 2010, the satellites temperature of 93.2 - sales (135.8 F) along a ridge between Dome Argus and Dome Fuji in Antarctica, at an altitude of 3900 meters (of 12, 800 feet) above sea level. The result had been reported at the annual meeting 46 of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco in December 2013; where it's a number of temporary, and may be subject to review. Is not insert the value as the lowest temperature record as measured by remote sensing satellites and not by thermometers in the floor.
